Time Off - 1st July 1988 page6 |
It's been pointed out to me these last few days that I am exhibiting a certain 'skip in my step', and a permanent " ridiculous grin". PPl are asking if I'm on the gear or summin- "NO!" I reply- I'm just REALLY FUGGIN HAPPY THAT THE TRIBESMEN ARE BACK !!!!!
I've dug up a few old press clippings I'm hoping someone of note will right click/save and pass over to the new
official tribesmen web site - link here
Time Off - 4th december 1987 page7 |
This is the first time since 1987 that this line up has played together and if you miss it we've no idea when it will be seen again, if at all... It's guitars, it's garage, it's punk, it's pop, it's hip, it's real. It is The Screaming Tribesmen. info from -
Saturday 17th September 2011
18 Bands... 3 Stages... 2 Bars... Good times!
Old Museum, Brisbane, QLD
The gathering festival looks like a winner to me. The manifsto page of its creator Jason Castle
found here, rings a lot of bells in a kindered spirit kinda way. Reminds me a lot of the early livids that became much more than another big day out extravaganza in that it was a chance for ppl to gravatate from all over oz to meet up over a day of hand picked indy acts.... sadly later to become a mid year big day out... nothing against BDO, but 2 of the same at the cost of the other was always a bit sad to me.
All these years later the gathering looks like it could develop into something the original livids held unique.. Good luck gathererers!!! (penciled in as the chuck2011- 100% fucking awesome award)
On the Street - wed 24th September 1986 page9 |
Time Off 25th September 1987 page4 |
Time Off 18 December 1987 page10 |
Time Off 26 january 1989 page8 |
Time Off - 26 January 1989 page7 |
Time Off - 29 September 1989
not the most favourable review - prolly not for the official site, but interesting in that Tex doesnt like the detriot sound much.
from page 6 crastak- vol2 of the amazing ratsack fanzine
originally posted here back in Dec 2009
'On the Street' 3rd May 1989 page3 |
This festival sounds friggin fantastic chuck, I think I should go!
I think u should... dont tell anyone else about it till i get my ticket.. meant to get it on the weekend but got tied up..if it sells out b4 i get a ticket my head will explode!!
Hey Bob, would you mind taking down the MP3s please? Re-issues of some back catalogue are on their way with bonuses.
Chuck, I'll get these on the official site for you!
U da man Rossy!
got a feeling mp3 down- changed to clip -"an mp3 with moving pics" at your honourable request good sir mr barman...
And you can see them here:)
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