Its been 23 years since I saw the Triffids play one magic night
and that long since they played in Brisbane.
A lot has happened since then, the band split up in 1989
and some 10 years after lead singer and song writing genius
David McComb died a few days before he was to turn 37.
For the last 5 years Evil Graham Lee (above) has been at the helm
of keeping Davids legacy alive, along with releases of the Triffids
recordings there has been the reformation of the band and many
gigs around the world. Starting out as a tribute concerts called
'A Secret in the Shape of a Song' and end up as this, The Triffids
and friends. This was a particularly important performance
as it was the first time ever, anywhere that the band had played
their seminal first album ' Born Sandy Devotional'
And what a night it was, I was up front with Carmen and Chuck,
some of the best musicians in the world, Like Martyn Casey (above)
originally the Triffids bass player, now days in the Bad Seeds,
or former Bad Seed himself Mick Harvey (below)

Young Melbourn band Oh Mercy did a fine job opening with a few
early Triffids songs. Lead singer Alex Gow returning throughout
the night to perform on a few other songs.
Then former manager 'Handsome' Steve Miller took the stage
as master of ceremonies.
The Blackeyed Susans took to the stage with the added treat
of Mark Dawson on percussion, it was one of my favourite
moments of the monumental 3 hour show.
Especially 'Ocean of You' which was incredible.
Rob Snarski who shared lead singing in the Susans with David
has an incredible voice and he retuned throughout the evening
also to sing different songs.

And of course Mick Harvey was brilliant,
you should heard Kelly's Blues.
Also Simon Breed English singer guitarist was brilliant
'Lonely Stretch' being a stand out.
her classic Triffids tunes like Goodbye Little Boy and Raining Pleasure.
And I must mention Graham Lees wonderful vocal work too
especially on one of my fav tracks Jerdacuttup Man .
Born Sandy was a joy to listen to, truly one of the greatest
Australian albums ever recorded.
The highlight of the night was Bury Me Deep In Love
sung by Mark Caulfield Halstead one time Brisbane boy
who was in the Kingswood Trio and The Pineapples from
the Dawn of Time. He has a solo album I
think I must get. He has the most incredible voice and
when Rob Snarski followed him he said, "Thanks Marko
you man mountain I'm gonna sound like a smurf after that!"
It was a concert that was one of those you walk out of bewildered
by how exceptional it was.
There's more dates to follow throughout Australia so if you have
even a passing interest in the songs of David McComb,
don't miss it!