I know, she's not Australian but I can't help blogging
on a superb concert. I've seen Marianne twice before,
the first time was as part of the Brisbane Biennial and
she performed Bertolt Brecht and composer Kurt Weil's
Three Penny Opera. The second was her 20th Century
Blues tour. Don't get me wrong they were great shows but
she didn't have a full band or perform the songs that made
her, tonight was different.
This her "Easy Come Easy Go" tour, while focusing on the new
album of the same name, had both a full band and songs spanning
her entire career.
The band was a fantastic 7 piece band which effortlessly played
with tremendous talent and moved through various styles of
music gracefully.
I've been a long time fan from when I heard Broken English, back
when I was something like 16. I've followed her fascinating career
ever since, so to see these songs performed was a long held ambition.
Judging by the age of the audience I'd say some discovered her back
when she started, the year I was born.
From the opening song "Times Square" it was a fantastic evening,
we heard the Classics like, Lucy Jorden, Broken English, Why didya
Do it, As tears go by, Strange weather and Sister Morphine.
As well as plenty of "newer" ones like Crazy love, Solitude, Hold on,
Kimbe, Sing me, Dover, The Crane wife and Easy come easy go.
Check out the comments to see how Mr K found the show.
Now I just need to see Tom Waits to die happy.

Marianne faithfull " Sister Morphine " @ Cité de la Musique Paris June 18th 2009