Steve has ripped this EP from the Frontier Scouts from his
vinyl copy, Thanks Steve.
Track List
01 - Soul Too Sold
02 - A Fact Unknown, Even To You
03 - Under The Wings Of
04 - You Should Be Shot
05 - Like In Salem
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Frontier Scouts - Museum Collection EP
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Four Gods 7" - Restless / Enchanted House
Ken has quickly responded to the call for the Four Gods,
This is a mighty fine band which I have some how missed.
I'd love to here more, it reminds me of the early Go-Betweens
and that is mighty fine praise from me.
Thanks must go to Tony Johnstone, guitar noise-maker
and good guy from "Sister Christmas"
for the lend of this single for ripping ... Ken
Thank You Ken and Tonydownload removed
Frontier Scouts- When daddy blows his top / Out of your shell
Chucks has sent in another Gem, this 7" from the Frontier Scouts.
Thanks Chuck now lets hear from Chuck all about it
just dug up an old frontier scouts 7 inch and ripped for
the blog..
as mentioned in steve's mystery cassette post ..
great interview :)
lovin the fast forwards keep em coming
Download removed
"When Daddy Blows His Top" / THE FRONTIER SCOUTS (1983)
Music Video for THE FRONTIER SCOUTS directed by Robin Gold.
Photographed on Super 8 by Kriv Stenders.
Shot in Darlinghust, Sydney, April 1983.
Tex Perkins and the Dark Horses - Live at the wireless
Chuck has sent this little beauty into the
Stripy box,
The wonderful Tex and his Dark Horses,
Thanks Chuck
Tex Perkins and the Dark Horses
JJJ Live at the Wireless
Newtown RSL Sydney, sept 02 2000
01- She speaks a different language
02- This is forever
03- Her own life
04- Ice in the sun
05- What I done to her
06- To us
07- Still the same
08- Can't say no
Download Here
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Fast Forward Issue 07 Cassette Magazine
Fast Forward issue 007 has some great stuff but most
notable is the Laughing Clowns interview and live
recording of Collaspe Board. This song featured as a
highlight at the recent Clowns gigs, now you can hear
it as it was in 1981
Thanks again to Steve for the artwork and picking up
the missing song problems.Track list
01 - Jeff Ansell - The Doomsday Demagnetizer
02 - Steve Adams' Park Drive - Spy Theme
03 - John Lydon interview
04 - Ronnie & The Rhythm Boys - I Wanna Be
Your Girlfriend
05 - Winchell's Donut Corp. - Halloween Fun
06 - Johnny Topper - Did You Know
07 - Crackajacks - Shorty The Barber
08 - Two Way Garden - We've Just Fallen
09 - Laughing Clowns - Interview
10 - Laughing Clowns - Collapse Board
(Live, 12 Sep 1981)
11 - Johnny Topper - The Case Of The Missing
Leave It To Beaver (Part 4)
12 - Audio Arts - Interview with Bill Furlong
13 - Tiny Holes - Walking On Air
14 - Sunday Painters - Interview
(includes track 'Lake')
15 - Sunday Painters - The Outsiders
16 - Johnny Topper - Did You Know
17 - Village People - A Big (new) Wave & Howdy
18 - Pete Best Beatles - Citizens Dance
19 - Pete Best Beatles - Dance Song
20 - Jeff Ansell - Our Man, Jim
Download Here
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Fast Forward Issue 06 Cassette Magazine
Issue 06 of the Fast Forward casszine has some notable
tracks. Top of the list is the interview with Rob and Grant
of the Gob's complete with 3 very rare live tracks.
Almost 20 minites of Gob's pleasure!
Also tracks from the Primitive Calculators and
Hunters & Collectors make thiswell worth the
download, also includes scans of the 13 page booklet.
Track List
01 - Architecture - Theme Song
02 - Jeff Ansell - F.A.T.E
03 - Clue A
04 - Pep Lester - Do It Yourself
05 - Intro
06 - Go-Betweens
(Interview - includes songs 'Karen', 'One Word' &
'If One Thing Can Hold Us' from 3PBS-FM)
07 - Clue B
08 - Primitive Calculators - The Glitter Kids
09 - Johnny Topper - The Case Of The Missing
Leave It To Beaver (Part 3)
11 - Clue C
12 - Hunters & Collectors - World Of Stone (Demo)
13 - Interview with 'Postcard Records'
14 - Clue D
15 - Theme
Download Here
Fast Forward Issue 05 Cassette Magazine
Issue 5 with an interview and songs from xero, plus
so much more
Track List
01 - Stuart Beatty - Theme Track
02 - Introduction
03 - Dorian Gray - The Children Of Sombre Town
04 - Scattered Order - I'm Not Whole
05 - The Informatics - Hungry Pets
06 - Johnny Topper - Did You Know
07 - Interview with Neil Spencer (Editor of NME)
08 - (Impatient) Youth - This Is The Front Line
09 - Dorland Gray & Margo O'Neil - A Right Royal Ruckas
10 - Johnny Topper - The Case Of The Missing
Leave It To Beaver (Part 2)
11 - Interview with Equal Local
(including tracks Widespread & Barren and Wasted)
12 - Dance Set - Nothing's Gonna Break Us Apart
13 - Johnny Topper - Did You Know
14 - Interview with Xero (including tracks Girls,
24D Pelaco & Strangers, Immigrants And Bandits)
15 - Outro.
16 - Theme Track
Download Here
Steve's Mystery Tape
Steve has given the readers of SSS blog a mystery to solve
and we all like a good mystery.
I personally have no idea, but its got some great stuff
on it, so I will be interested to know more myself.
I shall hand you over to Steve and the few clues he can
give us.
I was wondering if you or any of your readers can help me
identify a mystery cassette I've had lying around for over
25 years. It's something I bought from a bargain bin in an
independent record store (probably in Brisbane) in around
1983-84. The tape is black and has no distinguishing features
except a $3.50 price tag. It may have originally come with a
magazine, but I just got the cassette.
The bands I recognise on the tape (Frontier Scouts, Pork &
Four Gods) are from Brisbane, so I guess it may be a Brisbane
only comp. I've never seen this tape listed anywhere
(and I have looked). Anyway, if anyone knows what it might
be or feels like a bit of a challenge, or is just plain curious,
here's a link:
Download Here
Cheers, Steve
Well in no time at all, Donat Brisbane's resident music
historian has solved the mystery.
Thanks Donat
This cassette is issue 004 of the PUBLIC EYE tape zine,
which came out of S.A. This dates from late 1983.
Comes with a 24 page A5 booklet.
01. Mystery Virus - Squashing Ants
02. Interview with Andrew Wilson
from the Frontier Scouts by David Nichols
03. Frontier Scouts - Like In Salem
04. Spleen - Runaway
05. Fetus Memory - Humans Are Not Needed
06. Powerage - World War III
07. Mystery Virus - Work
08. The Market Gard ners - My Mind is Being Drained
09. Toy Division - Sound Maze Interview
10. Toy Division - Beurit
11. Frontier Scouts - Enchanted House
12. Pork - Pork tork to themselves
13. Pork - Sectioning of the Pancreas
14. Spleen - Nutty Spacemen
15. The Market Gard ners - Accessory 2 the Fact
Mystery solved! All spelling as written in booklet.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pioneer singer Ruby Hunter dies
Ashleigh Wilson
From: The Australian
February 18, 2010
Aboriginal singer, composer and occasional actor
Ruby Hunter has died.
A Ngarrindjeri woman, Hunter was born in 1955 at a
billabong near the banks of the Murray River in South
Australia. She was a member of the stolen generation,
having been removed from her family and placed in foster
homes. While living on the streets of Adelaide
as a teenager, she met Archie Roach, who would become
her partner and lifelong musical collaborator.
She released her debut album, Thoughts Within, in 1994,
and won a Deadly Award six years later as female artist of
the year. She later collaborated with Roach and Paul Grabowsky
on Ruby's Story, an acclaimed work based on her life
and her search for identity.
Hunter's manager Jill Shelton confirmed today that the
musician had died overnight at home in Victoria's western
district. She reportedly suffered a heart attack.
Hunter had been due to perform at the upcoming Adelaide
Festival with Roach.Paul Grabowsky, the festival’s artistic
director and a former collaborator with the pair on the
celebrated production Ruby’s Story, today said he was deeply
saddened to hear of Hunter’s death and sent his condolences
to her family.
"Ruby was one of the truly great voices of our country," he said,
"and as a member of the Stolen Generation, her story,
so beautifully and candidly told, is a truly emblematic one;
to hear her tell it was an honour."
Truly sad news indeed, I only just saw her perform at the last
Dreaming Festival some 6 or 7 months ago.
It was to be last time of many.
She was a dynamic performer with a voice that always surprised me,
given her small size. She was always fantastic with Archie and
together they were something very, very special.
She will be sadly missed
Let My Children Be - Ruby Hunter
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Fast Forward 004 cassette magazine
Some nice stuff in this edition, Rowland S. Howard's
Young Charlatans performing his song Shivers.
Not Australian but an interview with
the fantastic John Cooper Clark.
Even an Adam and the ants special!
Fast Forward 004 cassette magazine April 1981
01. Artificial Organs - "Fast Forward Theme"
02. Introduction
03. (Cough Cough) - Interview & 2 tracks
(Study For Falling Apart & Take Me)
04. Johnny Topper - "Did You Know?"
05. Young Charlatans - "Shivers"
06. Interview John Cooper Clarke
07. The Residents (Missing Link Records Ad)
08. Johnny Topper - "The Case Of Missing Leave It To Beaver"
serial pt 1
09. Adam & The Ants Special
(Interview with Adam's Aussie Uncle)
10. Peter Lillie - "Endless Twist"
11. Interview Pere Ubu
12. Johnny Topper - "Did You Know?"
13. Ria and the Normal "CD-CA"
14. The Residents (Missing Link Records Ad)
Download Here
Fast Forward 003 cassette magazine
Fast Forward 003 cassette magazine
01. Excitement Pathetix - "The Age Of The Fun Cassette
02. Introduction
03. Artificial Organs - "Situation Normal"
04. Interview Laughing Hands
05. Laughing Hands - Untitled
06. Mark White - "Dream About Fun
07. AEIOU - "Last Surfer"
08. The Couch - "By The Auther Of Psycho"
09. Interview with Gang of 4
10. The Particles - "(Bits Of) Wood"
11. Outroduction
Download Here
Friday, February 12, 2010
Holus Bolus - Cassette
One of my favourite contributors to the SSS blog, Steve aka
Duckdogtwo, has sent me this fantastic, rare, cassette
complete with art. Another one of these cassette music
"Casszines" which has some great tracks and interviews.
Steve has spilt all the tracks, making some 40 in all.
Great casszine, a lot of work went into this.
Most exciting is the Tangled Shoelace's stuff and
by some coincidence an interview with Mitch Jones,
M2 founder who I know has been reading this blog.
Thank You Steve for this wonderful Cassette that now
enters the digital age.
Download Here
Fast Forward 002 cassette magazine
Cassette 02 brings us some great birthday party stuff,
and rock writers Stuart Coupe & Clinton Walker.
Fast Forward 002 cassette magazine December 1980
01. introduction
02. The Birthday Party - "Figure Of Fun" demo
03. interview Nick Cave & Roland Howard
The Birthday Party - "Yah"
04. Graeme Pitt - "Untitled"
05. interview with Stuart Coupe & Clinton Walker
06. Vital Cortex - "Mark On The Wall"
Download Here
Fast Forward 001 cassette magazine
Based in Melbourne, Fast Forward released some 13 issues
between 1980 and 1982.
Its focus was on indy music and especially Australian.
Thanks to Steve Aka Baskingshark whos rips these are
and for the scans of the original artwork/packaging.
Fast Forward 001 cassette magazine November 1980
01. introduction
02. Teeney Weenys - "Father Likes Daughter"
03. Editions interview - "All Dressed Up"
04. Mod In Melbourne
Little Murders - "Trouble With Love"
05. interview Raff Edmunds
06. Pel Mel - "No Word from China"
07. Informatics - "Concorde Affair"
Download Here
Monday, February 8, 2010
Boxed Brownies - M Squared Compilations 1981
C60 Cassette - released December 1981
A live collection of Systematics, The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast,
Splendid Mess and Scattered Order tracks recorded mainly at
"Brownies" Paddington Green Hotel during 1981.
Recorded onto cassette then treated and mastered back at the studio.
Packaged in a 7 inch reel to reel tape box with inserts.
01 - Were you invited? - Systematics
02 - And people are blowing their minds - Systematics
03 - Let it Be - Systematics
04 - Boiled Dinner - Systematics
05 - Flowers on the Wall - Systematics
06 - You told me that you loved me - Systematics
07 - Promenade Promenade - The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast
08 - Funny Timing - The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast
09 - The Neopolitan man inhales water - The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast
10 - Copper Hatz - The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast
11 - Dumb Waiters - The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast
12 - The Livers at the bottom of the well - Part One - Splendid Mess
13 - Part Two - Splendid Mess
14 - Part Three - Splendid Mess
15 - Part Four - Splendid Mess
16 -Screaming Tree - Scattered Order
17 - World's longest intro - Scattered Order
18 - Mass Murder - Scattered Order

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Growing pains - various m squared bands
"... Experimental music is fine by me, but once you go into the
studio and start cutting the marketable product,
surely you need to have your musical strategies organised
and understood." - Roadrunner November 1980
This starts a trend at M Squared for releasing compilations of
wide ranging sounds and ideas from various bands and hybrids.
You can't please all the people all the time.
Contains the track that gave the name to The Makers of the
Dead Travel Fast and an off the wall Stones cover from those
northern beaches' favourites The Barons.
Some record stores objected to the cover image.
12 inch compilation EP - released October 1980
02 - Paint it black - The Barons
03 - Midnight on balancing day - Systematics
04 - Yvonne is out again - EST
05 - Girl from Ipanema - Height / Dismay
06 - Bent Up - Scattered Order
07 - Dead travel fast - The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast
Download no longer available due to re-release