And another gem from Chuck,
Thanks Mate
Another era of the models here but a favourite of mine..
slickly produced
great stuff and holds up well 25 years on :))
b-side no slouch either!
A shame the reformed models arent reaching the northern states but
I look forward to any reports / sounds / pics.
The sydney gig just looks weird - a literary function with writer Brett
Easton Ellis (american psycho +others) doing a reading and a signing
and by the way.. reformed models squeezing some tunes out...
strange shit just keeps happening....
Read about it Here
Download Here
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Models - God Bless America 7inch
Models - Radio Controlled from the Vault 7inch
Guess the last post is heading right into Models territory
and Chuck is the one to take us there.
Over to Chuck
This was given away with the magazine "From the vault"
issue #6 to compliment the article already posted -
More info of the session it was recorded at is on page 19 of
the expanded version of that same article scanned from the
magazine "Prehistoric sounds" Issue1 vol1 already posted -
A whole album was recorded during these sessions
and still haven't seen release as far as I know...
be nice to see them pop up one day.... hint hint Kelly :)
Download Here
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Bohdan - Fear Of Flying EP
We have some great music coming up starting with this,
Bohdan's 4 track EP Fear Of Flying.
Chuck has delved into the depths of his collection to find
this little gem.
Thanks again Chuck
Who or what is Bohdan you may ask.
The following is from the font of all knowledge,
JAB was an Australian punk rock band formed in Adelaide in
1976, with Bohdan X(Bodhan Kubiakowski), often referred
to simply as Bohdan, on guitar and vocals; Ash Wednesday
playing bass guitar,synthesizer and tapes, and; Johnny Crash
(Janis Friedenfelds)on drums and vocals. Bohdan was also
the songwriter of the group,which took its name from the
first initials of the founder members.
They began as an experimental rock band, but adopted a punk
style in 1977. They are regarded as the first Australian group
to marry electronica and a hard-edged guitar sound.
Bohdan recorded a solo single in late 1977, and the band
relocated to Melbourne in August, joining the punk scene there
and frequently playing live. Bob Stopa was recruited as a second
guitarist and bassist Pierre Voltaire(Peter Sutcliffe) also joined
(so that Wednesday could concentrate on keyboards).
JAB signed to Suicide Records in January 1978, and two of their
songs,"Blonde and Bombed" and "Let's Go" were included on
the Lethal Weapons compilation album. The band broke up in
August 1978.Bohdan X joined members of The Chosen Few to
form Bohdan and the Instigators.He later issued several solo
records, including the four-track,12-inch EP, Fear of Flying,
on Rumour Records in December 1983 and the mini-album,
Kingsnake on Rampant Records in 1988.
He became a DJ on community radio station 3RRR-FM.
Wednesday, Crash and Voltaire joined Sean Kelly
(ex-Teenage Radio Stars) to form the first line-up of Models.
Wednesday stayed with Models for a year, after which he played
with The Metronomes, Modern Jazz and Crashland.
He also issued a solo single in 1980,
"Love by Numbers"/"Boring Instrumental".
01- we are different
02- no no no
03- son of sam
04- fear of flying
Download Here
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Graham Connors - Pioneer Village Petrie
Another Sunday afternoon concert, this time Graeme Connors
who hails from North Queensland.
His songs often refer to North Queensland and his themes
are very Australian, often funny and very clever his songs
reminded me of Redgum often, through with a very Queensland
take on things that reminded me of Grant Mclennans North
Queensland imagery.
Dubbed a country and coastal artist, Graeme's songs move effortlessly
across genres ranging from folk, pop and contemporary to country.
The Band was great and Graeme's one of those songwriters that
loves to tell the stories behind the songs, something that I appreciate.
He was at the last Woodford Folk Festival, not on the day I was
there, but I would have liked to have seen that.
You can check out his stuff at his website Here
Beach House in the Blue Mountains - Graeme Connors (live)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Texas Tea at the Powerhouse - 11/07/10
A wonderful Sunday afternoon was spend watching Brisbane's
finest Texas Tea doing what they do best.
As part of the live spark Sunday free performances at the
powerhouse, it was a great gig.
Texas Tea played all there favourites plus new new stuff
and are off for a bit of a songwriting break now.
A managed to score a copy of there limited ed (150)
copies, vinyl with cd, Firesides.
If you get a chance get this record, its great,
not only are there some very nice stripped down versions
of some of their songs there's some excellent covers
of some very interesting songs. I love the cover of the
Elvis song Crawfish and Leonard Cohen's I'm your Man.
Friday, July 9, 2010
James Freud - Automatic Crazy bw While We Worship Oxygen
Peter has sent me this rare solo single from none other that James
Freud. I've covered James Freud's solo career and his time with the
for mentioned Models
Heres what Peter has to say about this single
Automatic Crazy is the A side, quite a jaunty
commercial track,
but the B side: what was James on when he wrote that?
Numan’s influence perhaps? I’m a huge Numan fan BTW
(which is probably why I bought this single)
You can read James's very funny recollections of the time he spent
under Gary Numans wing here.
And you can find out what James was on!
Here's what he had to say about the A side Automatic Crazy.
Gary started to regard me as his protégé and took to calling me
Brian Ferry Jr. While we were in Sydney, he thought it would be
a good idea to record a track with him as producer.
We went into the EMI studios and came up with a song called
‘Automatic Crazy’. It’s not one of my favourites
And the B side While We Worship Oxygen
Just after lunch, Andy, the inhouse tech guy, motioned for me
to go outside with him. I followed him upstairs, where he pulled
out a folded piece of paper and slipped it into my hand.
Happy birthday,’ was all he said, before disappearing back down
the stairs. I opened the package and was met by the sight of
glistening crystals of cocaine.
Things suddenly took a turn for the better. Roger and I spent the
afternoon excusing ourselves to go to the bathroom –
Gary must have thought we were a couple of freaks.
We were feeling pretty content and sat there grinding our teeth.
The euphoria was disrupted, though, when Gary turned to me.
‘OK, let’s put down some vocals.’
Vocals? My throat was so tense from all the cocaine that there
was no way I could possibly sing.
But there was no getting out of it.
I had one of my usual brainwaves; ‘If I have a huge line, maybe
I’ll really let go of my inhibitions and come up with some magic!’
I raced upstairs and chopped out a mother. ‘Here goes nothing.’
As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, it didn’t go too well.
We did take after take and I could barely manage to stay in tune,
let alone give a half-decent performance. After a couple of hours,
Gary couldn’t take it any longer and stormed out of the studio.
He picked up a pool cue as he went past and threw it at the wall,
then continued out to his car, ‘where he feels safest of all’,
and sped off.
On the bright side, it meant that we could relax.
I immediately sent out for a bottle of scotch and bought another
gram of coke from Andy. Gary didn’t come back, so Roger and
I opted to sleep at the studio. On the other hand, who can sleep
with a schnozz full of Okie-Dokie? There was nothing we could
do without Gary there, so Nick took an early mark. Roger and I
decided to put down a new song with the assistant engineer.
We worked all night and ended up with this fantastic track called
‘While We Worship Oxygen’ (remember, it was the 80s).
Gary arrived in the morning after listening to Adam Ant’s
‘Goody Two Shoes’ all night, to be greeted by the three of us
passed out on the floor. He was apologetic and we played him
the track we’d put down. He listened intently then finally spoke.
‘You pricks! That’s the best thing on the fucking album.
And I wasn’t even here. It sounds like John Foxx. You bastards!’
He then got up and stormed out of the studio again. Great!
Download Here
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Models playing Melborne.
Big news for you lucky folk in Melborne, Mark Ferrie has
left this comment on the "Uk version of Local and or General"
post. Thanks for the heads up Mark.
This version of the Models (Sean Kelly, Andrew Duffield,
Mark Ferrie) with Barton Price on drums will be playing
at the Espy in Melbourne on Fri Aug 6 and the Oxford Arts
factory in Sydney on Tues Aug 10.
Pass it on...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Rose Bygrave - Maybe Midnight /Protection
Greg from here in Brisbane has sent me a few things,
being a big Shane Howard fan he has sent this rare
single from Rose Bygrave, long time member of the
Goanna Band.
Thanks Greg.
Heres what Wikipedia has to say about Rose.
Rose Bygrave grew up in western Victoria and later
attended art school in Ballarat and Melbourne.
Her musical career began in 1979 . Bygrave was
invited to join The Goanna Band, rising to
prominence as keyboardist/vocalist alongside
Shane Howard and Marcia Howard in the early '80s.
The band recorded three albums and toured
extensively, performing in some of the remotest areas
of Australia and forging strong bonds with Aboriginal
people and their culture. Bygrave began performing
solo in 1991, and has worked as asought after session
musician. She has released two critically acclaimed
solo albums Bygrave's work is renowned for
compassionate songwriting reflecting on the land,
love, and especially issues of indigenous and
social justice and her voice and musicianship are
regarded as among the best in Australian
contemporary folk.
And heres what Greg has to say
Not only is the song a great one but the production on
it is great. You’ll probably recognise the backing
vocalists, too. *lol*
The B side is killer too. I’ve included the cover front
and back I heard a late night interview with her at this
time on Triple M …
she was described as the “Goanna keyboard player at
the back with a shock of red hair “ *lol*
They also said the album was ‘in the can’ but we’ve of
course, never heard any more from it. I reckon if this
is anything to go by it would have been a killer.
I’ve also attached some scans of things that you might
find interesting…one is the set list from the last
Goanna tour …the big concert they did as part of the
Melbourne Festival with all the guests in Melbourne…
you can work out who appeared with them from the list.
I never saw it but a mate of mine sent this to me as a
The other is one of the Goanna newsletters that used to
appear when they had the Goanna Manor as homebase….
Btw, if you know of where you can pick up any of the old
Goanna art let me know…
I know they were printed and I saw one recently in a
motorcycle store at the gold coast.

Download the single here
Download the Gonna Pfd's here