Steve from Keyham in the UK who gave us the heads up
on the Robert Forster live radio session on the Marc Riley
show on BBC radio 6, has outdone him self and recorded it.
Its a fantastic recording, with 3 tracks and a couple of
interviews. Pandanus is shaping up to be my fav track of
the Evangelist, its great here. The whole band is on this.
Here's what Steve says
Managed to catch the Robert Forster session & it was great.
Have recorded it & posted it onto Rapidshare.
It's my first pop at actually uploading to Rapidshare,
but it seems to work.
Plus a couple of pics from the tour blog of
our favorite band on the run,
catch up with this very funny blog here
Track list
01 Intro 01
02 pandanus
03 interview 01
04 Intro 02
05 surfing magazines
06 interview 02
07 demon days
08 outro
Download here
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Robert Forster :Live Radio Session BBC 6
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Holy Ghosts "Live @ The Alliiance Hotel" gig - 1989.
Following on from the Spill Records and the Small World Experience
posts Mr Kenneth from across the bridge from when I live,
has brought us some fabulous music and some great memories
of the music, performance/art scene in Brisbane in the
late 80's early 90's.
If you are after some of the worlds greatest music podcasts
get along to radioshirley and download, words can't describe
what an eclectic mix of fantastic sounds Kenneth weaves
Heres a bit of a bio from their myspace page
The Holy Ghosts existed in various forms from '87
(or earlier perhaps) til '91, with members involved,
before and since, in such other projects
as the Closesthing, DNE, the Lost Domain (ie. Invisible Empire),
Small World Experience, Xero, Gobble-Gobble, Minimum Chips,
etc etc etc. Pre-existing the CD-r era the group self-released
cassettes (eg. on this profile: three songs recorded
New Years Day 1989). See 'band website' for a different
(2yrs later) version of 'million miles',
recorded live-to-air at 4zzz-FM (St Lucia).
Live 'career highlights' included playing support to
Venom P. Stinger (melb'88, bris'89)
and Sonic Youth (bris'89) though cosier,
more homely venues (such as the Liquorice Lounge),
galleries & parties always made for better music.
Now lets here from Kenneth on the Holy Ghosts.
Released thru spill, the tape is called Wounded.
Cover art is in the .zip file
Follows on from your Small World Experience post -
Ian Wadley is on bass and it was recorded by swe'er -
Pat Ridgewell. Eugene Carchesio (guitar, vocals)
and the fantastic drummer, Clare McKenna
make up the 3 piece.
No I didn't know any of the Ghosts personally and only caught
them maybe three times max.
I do have vivid memories of the Holy Ghosts performing at an
event called "Exploding Plastic Inevitable" in the Smellie's
Building, Edward St, a warehouse just down from where the
old Institute of Modern Art was situated in the city.
This would've been very early '90's. A kind of performance
art/music/dance event with artists like Luke Roberts
doing a performance work (I remember roses, hay and
fire involved) and the fabulous Peggy Wallach who was
all around town at the time and who did, to this day imo,
one of the most captivating live performance works I've seen.
A kind of "you had to be there" to really get it memory.
God I really miss all the fantastic performance art activities
that went on in Brissy late 80's/early 90's.
There were some fabulous works done by the likes of
Anthony Babbicci, Geoffrey Schmidt and Jeremy Hynes
to name but a few. There was a strong crossover of many
visual artists (Eugene Carchesio of the Ghosts, for example)
also engaged in music and just about everything else.
Lots of exciting cross media activity.
I also have a recollection of Wonderous Fair
playing that night too.
But I digress.
The Holy Ghosts put on a blinder of a show. Intense intense
intense! Apart from the purely emotional response,
my most vivid memory is of being spellbound by drummer,
the fantastic Clare McKenna beating those skins to a pulp
and dredging up some of the wildest groans and shrieks
from her gut counterpointing Ian Wadley's brilliant bass.
I may be wrong here, but I have a strong feeling that
they swapped instruments through the gig. I don't know why,
well I do actually, but we won't go there ...
watching and listening to the HG's that night,
I had a vision of what it may be like to listen and watch
Van Vliet of Captain Beefheart "Doc at The Radar Station"
era, being grabbed by the scruff of his neck and having his head
smashed ad nauseum against a brick wall till only bleeding stump
remained. Just brilliant stuff. And I love Beefheart btw!
If that Smellie's show was captured on tape, that would be one
I'd truly love to hear. For those who never caught the
Holy Ghosts, this live show at the Alliance Hotel,
Spring Hill in 1989 recorded by Pat Ridgewell,
gives you a good sense of their sound and
where they were coming from.
Begs the question ... Which was ?
Hope you enjoy
Download Here
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hunters and Collectors - Live Demons In Amsterdam EP
This fantastic promotional live EP was given away with
Hunters and Collectors albums early in 1995.
Wonderful recording and performance,
many thanks to Mr S who sends us this.
For all things Hunters and the latest new
visit the True Believers web site.Download here
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ed Kuepper - JJJ Live at the Wireless, 1 July 2002
A fantastic recording of Ed doing his stuff for
JJJ, includes the Bert Newton style version of
Everything I've got belongs to you.
That's Ed's description not mine.
01 Electrical Storm
02 Little Fiddle (& the Ghost of Xmas Past)
03 Horse Under Water
04 Sleepy Head
05 When She's Down
06 All Of These Things
07 Everything I've Got Belongs to You
Download Here
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Small World Experience.
Also from Darren comes this 4 track 7" by Brisbane Indy band
Small World Experience. Heres what Darren has to say about it.
Loved this the moment I heard 4zzz playing it around
'89 on the new release show. Hunted down my very own
copy from the scrabble shop that used to be under the
zoo in the valley. Small world also put out a cd called
"Shelf-Life" in '94 think there was a copy down at
rocking horse for under $10! Hunt down Shelf-Life
as well as it is excellent.
cheers, Darren
Coming out of Brisbane 1987 Small World Experience are a
wonderful indy pop band which I wasn't very familiar with,
the beauty of this blog is how I get introduced to as much
fine music as I introduce others to.
They most recently played the 1st night of the Brisbane
Sound gigs, the one night I missed, by Darren's account
it was very good.
They have a web site Here which has all sorts of great
stuff, a band history and even videos.
Also a myspace site here.
Thanks again Darren.
Band Members
Pat Ridgewell:
singer, guitar, songs. now living in brisbane.
hometown: toowoomba
Ian Wadley:
drums, sometime bass & guitar.
also plays drums & guitar in minimum chips,
guitar in the bird blobs & bass in function.
lives in melbourne.
hometown: brisbane. in swe from the outset
Julian patterson:
bass, sometime drums.
also plays guitar + drums in minimum chips,
Download Here
Crabstick - Stud or Houseboy?
Darren from West End here in Brisbane has shared this
fab Crabstick album and its wonderful artwork.
Another band David Nichols was part of.
Thanks Darren.
Crabstick's "Stud or Houseboy?" released in 1990 on vinyl,
is an album that i still keep on the list of my all time
favorites. I think the Lp title comes from a line in
the movie "Who's afraid of the Virginia Woolf?"
But I could be wrong on that? Really like all the wonderful
D. Nichols cartoons on most everything he played on,
whether it be on a Cannanes album, Blairmailer or Crabstick.
He used to draw toon strips for some fanzines
(salty and delicious was one fanzine) that were always a chuckle.
Anyway...Stud or Houseboy?
Hope you enjoy it as I have for many years.
Download Here
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Heaps of News
Some more information that has come to light via Darren
a reader from here in Brisbane he also sent this great pic.
Just some other info if you didn't already know: David Nichols
(Blairmailer, Crabstick, Huon, Driving Past, The Cannanes)
the guy who put out the distant violins fanzines
also wrote the excellent Go-Betweens bio some years back.
He's quite the Go-Betweens fan. Think he popped up in the
recent '16 lover's lane' doco on sbs a few weeks back
(the one you posted).
ps- almost forgot, the spill label has some good free comps
if you don't already have them.
some Blairmailer/Crabstick tracks there and a cracking
Small World Experience tribute album.
Surprised you missed out on the Brisbane sound first gig,
s.w.e. were ace!
Its true to say the David Nichols thing went right over my head,
I enjoyed his input vastly more than Ben Lee's.
I must get a copy of this book.
The web site for spill-label is fantastic, there's heaps free
music there, quite a bit of it Brisbane.
I'm going to be downloading for a while.
Thanks Darren.
The newest blog on the block Donat's Licorice Lounge
has two new Ed Kuepper/ Prince Melon related posts,
Check it out, he has a fantastic interview he did with
Ed this year and news concerning new releases.
Find it here
And Steve from Keyham in the UK emailed me
the Robert Foster news below, Robert is in
the middle of the UK leg of his tour as we speak.
Anyone who has got to any of the gigs I would
love to hear all about it.
Just dropping you an email to let you know that
Robert Forster is doing a live radio session on
the Marc Riley (ex-Fall, ex-Creepers) show on
BBC radio 6.
http://www. bbc. co. uk/6music/shows/marc_riley/
It's either Tues or Weds at 19:00 bst. The details
aren't on the website yet but the format is usually
the guest kicks off the show with a live track then
2 more, one at 19:40 ish & the final one at 20:15 ish.
It's a top show usually have a live session every night
& pretty good mix of indie music & not just your
4 skinny indie kids' brand of indie either.
Ian Rilen - Live (acoustic) at the excelsior hotel, Surry Hills (2003)
A request for some Ian Rilen leads to this post
this 2003 Live acoustic performance,
this guy does fantastic gutsy blues.
If you saw rockwiz last week one of
the guest artists was Steve Lucas who was
in legendary Sydney band X with Ian.
For those who are unfamiliar with Ian as I was
here's some history.
Ian Rilen's first substantial band was Band of Light,
a heavy blues outfit fronted by ex-La De Da Phil Key
in the early '70s. After leaving, Rilen fell in with ,
ex-Buffalo bassist Peter Wells who switched to slide
as they surrounded themselves with players in the
formidable hard rock beast that would become Rose
Tattoo. With a menacing image and sound just as
imposing, the Tatts were taken in under the Alberts
wing (the production house run by ex-Easybeats
Harry Vanda and George Young that spawned AC/DC).
The Rilen-Penned single "Bad Boy For Love"
cracked it for mainstream success -
just as its author moved on.
His next band was X. Perpetual outlaws afflicted
by a reputation for hard drugs and violent crowds,
the band existed outside the industry.
No band played harder, faster or with more spirit.
Twenty-five years later they still exist, on paper
at least, testimony to the musical bonds between
the only two constants, Rilen and singer-guitarist
Steve Lucas. Sandwiched between X break-ups
and reformations are a variety of other Rilen bands.
For a while, he even played sideman to former
Cold Chisel guitarist Ian Moss (a hugely commercial
form of employment that Rilen managed to,
uh, sidestep, as we'll hear later). Sardine v found him
moving on to rhythm guitar, his then-wife Stephanie
on keyboards. Skindiver found him playing the animated
front man. Hell to Pay coupled Rilen with the venerable
Spencer P. Jones (The Johnnys, Beasts of Bourbon) and
rollicking bar band rock. It involved his now former
girlfriend (and longtime X drummer) Cathy Green.
So does Rilen's next vehicle, the Love Addicts,
which finds him back on guitar and grinding out
gutbucket, down-and-dirty blues-rock.
Rilen's solo albums included Love is Murder (2001)
and Passion, Boots and Bruises (2004).
A final album was completed shortly before his death
from bladder cancer at the age of 59 on 30 October 2006.
Download Here
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Blairmailer - Home of The Falcon
Every so often you discover something fantastic that
is completely new, this album by Blairmailer is
one such discovery. I discovered this via the blog
Hooks Hidden Gems which is were you can find the
I know nothing about the band so if anyone knows
anything let us now via the comments.
Its a great record released it appears in 1993.
The sound is wonderful, whimsical, very low-fi,
with some great instrumentation, a bit of brass,
clean guitar, great lyrics and great artwork.
Give a go and let us know what you think.Many thanks to hook finger for bringing this to my
attention, you can find the record for
Download Here
Hunters and Collectors - 1987 Boston
Out of the post punk Melbourne landscape that had produced the
likes of the Boys Next Door came this band in 1980.
They basically continued, with lineup changes, reinvention and
great success, until the final tour of Australia in 1998.
Last nights Episode of Great Australian Albums is the
catalyst for todays post. Human Frailty was their 1986
breakthrough album, it spawned the classic
"Throw Your Arms Around Me" , which is apparently
Australia's number 1 karaoke song and enabled the band
to be one of the few post punk, arthouse beginning bands to
cross into the mainstream, becoming a MMM classic
Australian rock band. I brought Human Frailty when
it came out, a brilliant uncompromising album, not
commercial in the least, it reshaped music here for years.
Their heavy percussion, big bass and horn section is
unlike anything else and Mark Seymour is one of the
best front men you could ask for.
And fancy getting commercal airplay with a song with
lyrics like this
Say Goodbye - M Seymour
Just the other night I come home
After three months
Of constant grind and travel
And I went snivellin': I went crawling
Around to my girlfriend's house
And she came down hard upon me
And she ground her finger
Into my breastbone
And she said, She said
"You don't make me feel
like I'm a woman anymore.
You don't make me feel
like I'm a woman anymore
You don't make me feel like
I'm a woman anymore!"
And I know: I know
It's been a long time
Seems like it's been going on forever
And my heart
My heart is beating too big
It's beating too big
For the space that's meant to hold it
So goodnight
Goodnight my little lovely.
As we turn
As we turn down the lights
Say goodbye
Goodbye to the naked truth
Your skin is lookin' weary
And your eyes are closing down on the day
Oh yeh, you don't make me feel
Like I'm a woman anymore
I know
It's been a long time
Seems like it's been going on forever
But just as black is white
Yeah and just as night is day
The light is gunna leave you
And you're gunna fade away
So goodnight
Goodbye my little lovely
As we turn
As we turn down the lights
Say goodnight
Goodnight to the naked truth
Your skin is looking weary
And your eyes are closing down on the day.
The live Boot I've got for you comes from Mr S's archive
of rare and fantastic music. there's loads more Hunters stuff
so if there's interest I can post more.
This concert is from a Fm radio Broadcast and its excellent
Track List
01 Faraway Man
02 The Way To Go Out
03 Is There Anybody In There
04 January Rain
05 Breakneck Road
06 Getting Older (The Clean)
07 Say Goodbye
08 Stuck On You
09 99th Home Position
10 Inside A Fireball
11 Living Daylight
12 What's A Few Men
13 I Believe

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Robert Forster 2008 tour blog
A quick post to let you know that a blog for the US and
European legs of the 2008 tour has been started by
the self proclaimed band on the run at
The blog will be regularly updated with news from the road.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Robert Forster - 15-09-2008 Joes Pub NYC (Late Show)
Mialee, blogmaster of the wonderful Ambient Highway brought this
recording to my attention last night. I'm glad he did cause its one of
the best live recordings I've heard for a long time.
This Digital Soundboard Recording is perfect, heres what nyctaper,
the man to whom I'm eternally grateful, has to say about the
recording and mix.
We recorded this show directly from the soundboard under the
best possible circumstances and the result is a professional
quality recording. We used XLR cables from the board directly
into the Apogee pre-amp and digitally captured in 24-bit with
the Microtrack.
This is a true digital soundboard recording.
The soundboard tech at Joe’s Pub mixed the show to perfection,
and the capture mix, the levels, and the soundstage are all
And the show!
By his own words, Robert Forster performed one of the best sets
of music he has ever played last night at Joe’s Pub.
The seventy-minute set was tight, well-paced
and executed to perfection.
The setlist drew from classic Go-Betweens numbers,
Robert’s solo career, one Velvets cover,
and a couple of numbers from his excellent new release
The Evangelist. Of particular poignancy was Robert’s heartfelt
rendition of “Demon Days”, one of final collaborations between
Forster and his longtime Go-Betweens writing partner
the late Grant McLennan. Robert’s musical accompaniment
was also outstanding — including the tremendous bass guitar
work from former Go-Betweens Adele Pickvance.
Adele’s solo on “I Can Do” was one of the highlights of the evening.
Robert Forster - Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica
Glenn Thompson - Guitar, Drums(on I Can Do), Vocals
Adele Pickvance - Bass, Vocals
Matthew Harrison - Drums
01 121
02 German Farmhouse
03 Head Full of Steam
04 Temptation Inside Your Heart (VU)
05 Pandanus
06 Draining The Pool For You
07 Too Much Of One Thing
08 Demon Days
09 Clouds
10 Darlinghurst Nights
11 I Can Do
12 Surfing Magazines
13 Did She Overtake You
14 Quiet Heart
15 Born To A Family
16 [banter]
17 Spring Rain
Robert Forster
Late Show
Joe's Pub
New York, NY USA
Download Here
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Porcelin Bus - Fragile
Not much was ever written about Porcelin Bus while they
were around in the ten year period 1981 to 1991. Since then
little has become virtually nothing. And that’s a tragedy,
because this was a terrific band that didn’t deserve to be lost
amongst Sydney contemporaries like Died Pretty,
the Celibate Rifles, New Christs, Happy Hate Me Nots,
and a host of other bands that shared the Citadel label with
them or appeared on other local labels.
They made three records, two in 1988 – “talking to god”
and “sacred relics”and recorded their third lp in February 1990.
The resulting eight song collection was prophetically entitled
Fragile. Shortly after releasing Fragile, Porcelin Bus
toured Europe to enthusiastic crowds. However they
band was disappointed with the album and on returning
to Australia, the band folded.
Download Here
Nick Cave and Blixa Bargeld, Mick Harvey - Ghosts ...of the Civil Dead
Ghosts... of the Civil Dead is a 1988 Australian movie
directed by John Hillcoat.
A dramatization of actual events with episodic bursts
separated with quotes from actual prison documents
Ghosts of the Civil Dead tells the story of slow building
tensions within an Australian maximum security prison,
tension that leads to violence that leads to a lengthy,
as in more than three year,
lock down that leads to rioting and the wounding
or killing of several prison guards.
I went to the world premier of this film which was here
in Brisbane as part of some 4zzz fund raising effort back
in 1988, my memories are a bit dim concerning that,
however the film let an indelible impression on me.
It is the single most violent and difficult to watch film
I have ever seen, Nicks performance is incendiary and
when you can't imagine this prison becoming any worst,
as they say they bring the crazies in.
Nick plays the screaming psychopath Maynard who
decorates his cell in his own blood after making
his late arrival.
Dave Mason of the band the Reels, also gives a fantastic
performance, but its the music we are looking at here.
Nick Cave's music is used to heighten tension;
its suitably foreboding and atmospheric,
with an unnerving mood created throughout.
This is typified by the haunting 'la, la' discordant
melody sung by Anita Lane which has the effect of
putting the listener on edge.
Its is some of the truly most disturbing music
you will ever hear.
Track list
01. The New
02. Introduction - A Prison In The Desert
03. David Hale - I've Been A Prison Guard
Since I Was 18 Years Old
04. Glover - I Was 16 When They Put Me In Prison
05. David Hale - You're Dangling Like A
Bunch Of Meat On A Hook
06. Pop Mix
07. Pop Mix
08. Glover - We Were United Once
09. David Hale - The Day Of The Murders
10. Lilly's Theme ("A Touch Of Warmth")
11. Maynard Mix
12. David Hale - What I'm Tellin' Is The Truth
13. Outro- The Free World
14. Glover - One Man Released So They
Can Imprison The Rest Of The World
Download Here
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The boatmans Call (Tour Ep 1997)
Another wonderful tour Ep this time from the Boatman's Call
1997 Australian tour.
Track List
01 - Little empty boat
02 - Right Now I'm A-roaming
03 - Come Into My Sleep
04 - Black Hair (band version)
05 - Babe, I Got You Bad
Download Here
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Stripped (1994 Tour EP)
The 2nd album from the fantastic Great Australian Albums series
has inspired today's posts. The Album they picked most interestingly
was the Murder Ballads album, not my choice for their, best but it
made for a very interesting show.
Nick Cave has of course came light years from his beginnings in
Melbourne, having a career which is possibility the greatest of any
Australian artist and with his band the bad seeds achieved
alternative superstar status.
They are of course one of the greatest bands live you can see,
I've seen them many times, but the one that sticks in my mind
is the 1992 Livid Festival when they headlined.
Henry's Dream had just been released and they when off.
Opening with Papa don't leave me Henry,
the song starting with the acoustic guitar part then bamm ,
the band let us have it, Nick threw the mike stand across the stage
and the crowd went insane. It was rather intense.
This rare and fantastic 3 track Ep from the 1994 Australian Tour
is an acoustic reworking of Nick classics. The incredible Mercy Seat
a song often introduced as a Johnny Cash song after Cash covered it.
And gospel reinvention of both City of Refuge
and the sublime Deanna.Download Here
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Louis Tillet - Learning to Die
Another request Louis Tillet's 2001 release Learning to Die.
Another beautiful record, wonderful instrumentals,
darkly beautiful songs and
plenty of Louis's fantastic voice.
There's even jazzy grooving songs that remind me more
of Barry Adamson than anyone else can and that's quite
an effort.
Track list
01 - The Devil Knows Now
02 - Artist's Song (Spirit Of The Life)
03 - Morning Light Instrumental
04 - Blind Freddy's Bluff
05 - The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
06 - Ride The Tiger
07 - Turner's Ocean
08 - Transit To Venus
09 - Morning Light
Download Here
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Louis tillet - Cry Against The Faith
This 1999 release of Louis Tillet is a wonderful record, beautiful
ballads, blues you could mistake for the doors and even jazz rock
that reminds me of the laughing clowns.
But all such comparisons are unnecessary even unworthy,
this is in the league of its own.Track List
01 - Since You've Been Gone
02 - Chained To The Stone
03 - Windows Pane
04 - Feeling Free
05 - Hold Me
06 - Tombstone Eyes
07 - And She Sang
08 - In Loving Memory Of
09 - It's Gonna Rain
10 - CreditsDownload Here
Monday, September 8, 2008
Go-Betweens J-File broadcast 31-08-2000.
I feel as a Gobetweens fan a bit spoilt lately with all
this Gobs material surfacing.
Many Thanks to Robert from Melbourne who has uploaded
3 hours of Gobetweens on the J-files for us,
it sounds fantastic.
I'm not sure if this is in wide circulation -
It's the JJJ Go-Betweens J-File broadcast on 31.08.2000.
It really is wonderful. It was a week before the release of Friends
of Rachel Worth(or close to that). Grant and Robert sit in on the
show and they talk through the new album and the history of the
band - old JJJ interviews also cut through the show between
old and new songs.
It's three hours long, so I've split it into 3 CD-length files.
It's great to hear them talk about their "come-back",
knowing now how successful it was.
Download Here
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Great Australian Albums The Go-Betweens - 16 Lovers Lane
The first Album in the 2nd series of Great Australian Albums
aired in Australia this weekend and I managed to record it.
I'm going to upload the hour long broadcast in 4 parts to
make it a manageable download from the blog and the 1st
part is up, with the rest as I find time this week.
So all you overseas fans who couldn't watch and those
here who missed the show heres your opportunity.The 1st series had some fantastic albums but the Triffids Born sandy
devotional and the Saints I'm Stranded were the highlights for me
and I have recordings of those 2 shows if theres heaps of interest
cause this takes a bit of work.
The series has held exceptionally high standards, with its interviews
and insight and this was no exception. 16 Lovers has always been an
album close to my heart, I cut my wedding cake to" love is a sign",
and it was the cumulation of everything the Gobs had achieved, it
should have been their breakthrough album. It hasn't a weak song
on it and many exceptional songs.
The hour in which they delve into the making of the album and
the collapse of the original band is fascinating, the way they
operated, the relationships which were very convoluted and the
disappointments which came after, had me glued to the Tv.
All the band members talk with candor and humor, with Grants
input made with footage from old interviews done in such a way
that he was truly part of it.
I hope to hear many comments from you guys about things that
stuck you or touched you.
I've included a few screen shots from this wonderful document.
The Go-Between's started in the late 1970s when Robert Forster
persuaded his friend Grant McLennan to form a band.
They began writing songs and were soon in London where they
made their base for most of the 1980s.
Lindy joined around 1980 and she and Robert became lovers.
Shortly after they broke up, violinist Amanda Brown joined and
became involved with Grant.
Through it all were a series of brilliant and critically
acclaimed albums. In 1988, they returned to Australia without
longtime bass player Robert Vickers and was replaced by fellow
Brisbane expatriate John Willsteed.
It was this line-up of the Go-Betweens that recorded 16 Lovers
Lane, their most musically accomplished album.
The band then embarked on a year-long world tour.
Then, on the 29th of December at 6pm Robert met with Lindy
and Grant met with Amanda and sacked them.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4