A special birthday post, Tomorrow is April the 1st,
better known as all fools day, which as some say
is appropriate as my birthday.
The Saints have been one of my absolute all time
favourite bands for over 30 years and I was chuffed
when Chris wrote a song that was called All Fools Day,
named the album after it and released it on my birthday
all those years ago
So to celebrate I'm posting this fantastic boot of the Saints
from 1986, the band are on fire, there's a amazing brass section
and Chris is in full flight.
All the fav's are here and of course All Fools Day is featured and
wait till you hear the closing version of River Deep.
And as a special treat Chuck has sent me this very funny poster!
Track List
01. Follow the leader
02. Temple of the lord
03. Big hits (on the underground)
04. Walk away
05. Hymn to St. Jude
06. All fools day
07. Ghost ships
08. Don't send me roses
09. Imagination
10. It's only time
11. Let's pretend
12. All sold out
13. First time
14. In the mirror
15. Just like fire would
16. Know your product
17. It's alright mama
18. Blues
19. Photograph
20. Casablanca
21. River deep mountain high
Download Here
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Saints - The Lyon Tapes
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Skel-e-tones -Shake Them Bones Cassette 1984
Loved this band back when I was a young fella,
I saw them play a few times, always a great time
and at one of these gigs I guess I picked up this
cassette. Which I flogged in my VDub beetle.
Sunny Day is a fantastic track one I never get
tired, I think that these last 3 posts are all the
released music from the band, one of
Brisbane's legends. Its a shame they didn't get
to do an album.
Download Here
Skel-E-tones - Pothole In My Heart B/W So Much To Say
It seems we all have a Skel-E-Tones story to tell,
Mine next but Matt has ripped their 7" single
and has this to say about the band.
Thanks Matt
"... the skeletones were a mid '80's rockingbilly
brisband. Surprise surprise, they moved to sydney
in 1986 but failed to kick on like many believed
they would/should. They managed to score a few
tracks on the (still sydney-based) 2JJJ compilation
album "cooking with george", put together by beloved
presenter george wayne, and had built a strong live
following. This single was recorded in 1986.
They went their separate ways in 1987.
(no idea what ever became of this singles cover
- it did feature different shots of the band in front
of a myriad of skeletones posters)..."
Download Here
Skel-E-tones - cooking with george
This ep is from the Cooking With George box set of 1984 that featured 11 bands from around the nation. The flip of this ep features Huxton Creepers.
Skel-e-tones songs - Auto Go Go, Never Never, and Wild Youth.
Huxton Creepers songs - Slow Attack and Happy Days.
Download Ep here.
the Screaming Tribesmen - I've Got a Feeling
Mick Medew and the Rumours have been giging alot lately. I still havent got the last cd - All Your Love
but the stuff I've heard on radio sounds great.
This Tribesman single is a different lineup from the first E.P. recently posted- including Chris Masuak from Radio Birdman and the Hitmen fame, and Bob Wackley from Razar. A good article on a great site can be found here detailing the bands evolution.

A couple of clippings from an old "On the Street" Sydney street paper from August 1987 showing Voodoo Lust as the support band on this tour. Both bands were being managed by Zeus.
Download single here.
update: link removed as re-issues are possible.
Mystery of Sixes -Downstairs Dawwg!

Download the Sensoria gigzine here
spy vs spy free downloads
fantastic news for me as I was just about to rip the Xenophobia Why album and they saved me the effort. I wish more artists would do this and save bloggers spending so much time on the net :/
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Bent Elbows - St Lucia Road EP
Brisbane band the Bent Elbows were part of the music scene
from the late 70's into the early 80's.
Based in and around St Lucia and its uni district
When asked to sum up The Bent Elbows,
lead singer Tony ‘Stirker’ Baker said
“The EP St Lucia Road epitomized our early life.
Everything we encountered in those early years growing
up that close to the university, physically a part of it
and historically, but not of its culture was a unique experience.”
Their biggest gig was supporting Midnight Oil
at a University of Queensland 4 ZzZ Joint Effort.
The band feature in this SSS blog post as part of
the 4ZzZ eternally ours radio broadcast Here
And read all about the band Here
Thanks to Matt for this Ep now over to Matt!
"... literal pub rock from brisbane.
Recorded in march 1981, the title track,
not surprisingly, enjoyed celebrity status
amongst the 4zzz fraternity at the time...
and good on johnny gray for earning sleeve
credit as the bands "alcoholic adviser..."
Download Here
Friday, March 25, 2011
Subsonic Barflies - Questions B/W Better / My Baby Stole My car
Matt has ripped this most intriguing sounding Brisbane band's
7", 3 track single. They existed between 1986 to 89 and released
this one single.
Thanks Matt.
"... comprising two princely weasals, two convicted
over the death of a nun, and one lover of vampires,
this unlikely brisbane quintet had few
options but to become a rock'n'roll band.
Recorded in 1987 at Springbrook Recording Studios.
Memorably tore up the stage The Refec.
supporting Johnny Thunders.
Proofs in the pudding...'
Download Here
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Voodo Lust - Shake Shake, Hey Yeh! B/W No No No No
Matt has ripped this the first single from Brisbane legends
Voodoo Lust and Chuck has added a couple of handbills
and a link to a great interview.
Thanks Matt and Chuck!
"... debut single from brislads on sundown records
from (i think) 1985 (no date on the record!).
sublime rockin' pop which you'll need a
crowbar to extract from the auditory cortex...
hey, a problem shared is a problem halved apparently.
Re-released by Citadel Records in 1986 upon
their relocating to Sydney. a true joy to share..."
mattyChuck sent me these hand bills and this link to
a 2006 interview when the band reformed for some
gigs, Here
I can't find the re-release at Citadel anymore,
but check out the Voodoo Lust myspace for more
music and heaps of photos Here
Download Here
Storytellers - Eternally Yours
For all you Ed fans check out this article by
Andrew at Mess and Noise, a great read
about Eds masterpiece Eternally Yours.
Storytellers: Ed Kuepper
ANDREW MCMILLEN revisits the “Storytellers” series,
whose premise is simple: one song by one artist,
discussed at length.
This week it’s Ed Kuepper on Laughing Clowns’ 1983
classic ‘Eternally Yours’. The song will be reprised
acoustically with backing from drummer Mark Dawson
at a trio of shows in NSW this week.
Read Story tellers - Eternally Yours Here
Monday, March 21, 2011
New Improved Testament - S/T Cassette
A fantastic cassette rip from Matt, the kind of
thing that I'm excited to post. This 27 year old tape
resurrected, digitalized and available to the world.
Anyway enough from me, lets hear from Matt
about the band and this little bit of Brisbane
music history.
"...fantastic early '80's hardcore band,
well before their time, if it in fact ever came.
Only ever available on cassette (which held up
remarkably well 27 years on, god bless it),
nine tracks recorded at Basement Studio in
March 1984, plus a collection of live tracks
recorded at Amyls Nightspace, the Aussie Nash
and at NIT Farm during '83/'84. Louie, guitar,
Big Rick on bass, Fred on drums,
vocals by Nick O'Teen.
matty talent
Download Here
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Birthday Party - 20/05/1983 - Storey Hall - RMIT - Melbourne, Australia
From the tail end of their career, only months away from
calling it a day, we have recently digitalized recording of
the Birthday Party from a live radio broadcast that comes
our way via Mr K.
The Birthday Party were one of the most influential bands
to come out of Australia, they had a huge impact here in
Brisbane and of course many of the members went on to
bigger and better things.
What else can I say the bands on fire and even through
I have seen Nick play many times over the years I
am rather envious of those who got see the Birthday
Party in the flesh.
A big thanks to Mr K who I believe saw the Boys Next Door
in the flesh, which is possibly more impressive!
Track List
01 - Deep in the Woods
02 - Jennifer's Veil
03 - Junkyard
04 - Six Strings That Drew Blood
05 - Sonny's Burning
06 - She's Hit
07 - Wild World
Recorded by : 3RRR
Date : 20/05/1983
Location : Storey Hall - RMIT - Melbourne, Australia
From cassette : Thanks to Tony Johnstone for the tape
Download Here
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mystery Of Sixes - EP - I don't know you. 1983
The 2nd release from the Mystery of Sixes their 1983 Ep.
Black Banned was the track I remember getting the airplay.
Fantastic record, thanks Matt!
01 - I don't know you
02 - Skull in my cave
03 - Black banned
04 - Something mechanical
Download Here
Mystery Of Sixes - Single 7" ST. 1982
"this Brisbane band is a little more on the post-punk side.
They definitely live in their own world,
especially when the Arabic – style vocals on the title song
are taken into account. The lyrics have Satanic overtones."
Jello Biafra
The Mystery Of Sixes was one of Brisbane's more celebrated
post punk band, they were flogged on 4 ZzZ, the title track
from this their 1st single was very popular. I'm sure I saw them
play a ZzZ market day back then and many people have great
memories of this band.
The Mystery of Sixes with Black Flag inspired inner-Brisbane
band Public Execution supported the Dead Kennedys in
Brisbane in 1983.
The Mystery of Sixes broke up in 1985.
Now over to Matt who ripped this 3 track single and
his recollections, thanks Matt
"...largely unknown outside Brisbane,
Mystery of Sixes could only have
ever been a Brisbane ban(ne)d. A product of their
environment, they were flanked by trouble and
controversy at every turn. One of the few bands
from the period to actually turn out some vinyl,
the single in '82 and EP in'83, these records stand
the test of time with remarkable ease- as
does the seared memory of singer Bez prowling
the stage in nothing but agrass skirt!!
Lap it up boys and girls..."
matty talent
Download Here
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Screaming Tribesman - Self Titled EP
Another fantastic post from Matt,
the Screaming Tribesman are one of Brisbane's greatest.
"... formed from the ashes of The 31st (Mick Medew, guitar)
and The Funthings (John Hartley, bass and Murray
Sheppard, drums) the debut offering from this seminal
oz rock institution. This lineup gigged around Brisbane
from its inception in 1981 till the end of 1982, before
relocating to Sydney, cutting the classic "Igloo" single
in 1983 (which was written by Medew and Ron Peno
from their days together in The 31st) and promptly split.
Medew resurfaced with a revamped Tribesmen in1984..."
matty talent
Download Here
Public Execution - Methadone Slave B/W SS Brigade
Matt has a motherload of goodies and he is bloodly nice
guy who wants to share the love.
He has recently returned to Brissy and has been following
the SSS blog with interest for some time.
Thanks heaps Matt and now I'll hand over to Matt to
tell us about this 7" and the band.
"Incendiary Brisbane punk band from early '80s.
This 7" was cut in 1982 as a 3-piece, Terry on bass
and vocals, Steve, guitar, and Fred on drums.
Later joined, (if my memory serves me correctly-
and it may not, so apologies all round) by bass
player Lindsay Dalgliesh, following his departure
from Mystery Of Sixes.
This lack of wired appendage freed up singer,
Terry, to antagonize and terrorize audience and
furniture alike, with most gigs ending up in violence
and carnage. Further, stronger, recordings were done
(I think with this line up), but never surfaced."
Matty Talent
Donat has via the comments filled in some more background
on this band which is well worth sticking onto this post.
Thanks Donat!
"Fred Noonan from SixFtHick and other current
combos was of course the drummer who played in
Public Execution. Lindsay Dagleish did indeed
play bass at some point of the bands career
and Steve Playford was on guitar.
Public Execution came from a sphere of little-
known bands from the southside of Brisbane
like Malicious Joy and Sabotage, members of
whom became the basis of Mystery of Sixes.
PubEx appeared towards the tail-end of
Brisbane's golden post-punk years at the
Aussie Nash Hotel where Brisbane's hardcore
scene began to publicly blossom.
One of Brisbane's first bands to cite the US
Hardcore scene as a primary influence.
Terry was quite the Black Flag fan
and was also a die-hard fan of the Stranglers
- not to mention Pavlov's Dog!
PubEx were embraced by the 1st wave of
Brisbane punks and hence the reason why this
particular 45 was produced by none other than
Shake/Savage Music label's own Rod McLeod -
bassist and/or guitarist of such wide-eyed
hopefuls as Just Urbain, Young Identities, Kicks,
Bodysnatchers etc and more recently seen in the
Pineapples from the Dawn of Time.
This single, along with their tracks on a split tape
with Kicks (An Execution of One's Indulgence)
and an cassette EP of their own will appear in the
not-too distant future on a 45rpm 12"
Terry Devery in the early part of this century
played in a heavy blues trio King Rat, with early
Mystery of Sixes and Sabotage sticksman Alf Lunghi.
They released a couple of CD-r EPs before disappearing."
Download Here
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Freaksville / Freak Circus / Get Freaked were all Splurt related events that led to the release of the two cds in this post.

It features bands - Blowhard, Valhalla, A.I.M., The Fred Band, Fat, Crazy Alice, Queer, Onyas, Acid World, Hamlet of the Sane, Spillage, Not From There, Filter and Inebriated. Some good sounds here, sadly the Fred Band track isnt one of their best.
Download here
The Get Freaked cd is similiar vintage but this one is VERY METAL!.. a bit loud for my ears but the kids tell me they dig it..... .
Bands here include - Sister Creep, Shunt, Crypt, Crash Agony, Anti Social, Valhalla, Kaos, Misery, Travis, Heresy, Killen God, Fishbox, Sarbiem, Vile, Inebriated, Crepitation, Incinerator, Emporium and Duskorture.
Download here
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friends Of Folk Festival - 6/03/2011
Yesterdays 3rd annual Friends of Folk Festival was great!
The first of these events I've attended and very enjoyable.
Set in the historic old Museum here in Brisbane, on what
turned out to be a fantastic Brisbane day. The main draw
for me was the headline Robert Forster who had the whole
band with him and put on a fine, intimate show.
But I also got to finely see the legendary Good Ship.With an outdoor main stage and 3 large rooms with stages inside,
as well as music there was art and stand up comedy.
And then there was the Good Ship!The Good Ship are a large and very dressy version of the Pogues
The program blurb on them describes them as
a seething maelstrom of decadent musicality,
with 8 to 9 members on stage at any one time
and a whole heap of archaic instrumentation
from mandola, lagerphone, fiddle and trumpet
to accordion. This sense of joy and anarchy hasn’t
been lost on audiences and after only a year on
the Brisbane scene, their rousing live shows have
seen them quickly snag a strong fan base.
Then it was off to the main stage for the main event.
Rob was in fine form and the band was magic as usual.
Playing heaps of song from old and new Gobs as
well as old and new solo material.
The started with the classic boy chases girl song
Head Full of Steam and I'll try to remember in no
particular order.
Pandanus, 121, The Circle, I Can Do, Cryin Love, If It Rains,
Head Full of Steam, Spring Rain, Clouds, German Farmhouse,
Surfing Magazines, Darlinghurst Nights, Born To A Family
and ended on Here Comes A City
It was also a fantastic photo opportunity!
We had to shoot off after Rob and Co finished so I missed
the acts after, I would have loved to see the Gin Club,
but another time!