Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ed Kuepper - music for len lye (judith wright centre 6-8-04)

Len Lye was a New Zealand-born artist known primarily for his
experimental films and kinetic sculpture. It was Brisbane-based
curator David Pestorius who placed these films and Ed Kuepper
together. Originally these short animation films had soundtracks,
some of which were lost in time, the concept was Ed would create
new soundtracks to these films, which could be performed live
as an audio visual experience.

Kuepper says he was “inspired by the abstract rhythms”
to create the music for Tusalava, and several other famous
Lye animations. Rather than try to replicate the original
soundtracks, which were deeply, generatively intertwined
(a result of Lye’s obsession with synchronicity),
Kuepper’s interpretation resulted in freer flowing,
rock-inspired pieces for guitar and drums.
The Lye Foundation granted permission to use Lye’s films
and Music for Films was born.

Later when permission to use the films was withdrawn

both Pestorius and Kuepper wanted to continue the project,
and so a number of artists were contacted to produce video works.
Each artist was provided with examples of Kuepper’s more
cinematic music (including those pieces devised for Music For Films)
and invited to produce imagery in response.
Kuepper was then presented with the videos,
from which he devised the final music for the program.

In 2004 Ed took this show on the road, taking with him
Jeffrey Wegener and touring Europe to widespread acclaim.
I'm pretty sure this recording from here at Brisbane's
Judith Wright Center is from just before that tour,
dated 6/8/04 .This is a sublime soundboard recording
thats well worth having.
Its a pity they didn't make a DVD of this.

Download Here


Anonymous said...

Been wanting to hear this for ages - thank you!

Overhere said...

Thanks for this Bob - and the Out of Nowhere stuff - both cracking. A small request from me - have you been to the Sound of Brisbane exhibition? Any chance of upping the CD that comes with the catalogue for the show?

Thanks for all the great music - cheers and keep up the good work

bob nebe said...

Overhere, the short answer is not yet
I'm hoping to go to the sound of Brisbane on the night the apartments are on, I'll keep a lookout for this cd of which you speak.
Good to see your blog doing a bit of an Ed thing with the aints.
ciao bob

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for this Bob . I'm crazy about Ed's music.

bob nebe said...

Me too I have more Ed cds than any other musician and this recording is very, very good which is rare for Kuepper boots
ciao bob

Anonymous said...

Any more coming up?!!

bob nebe said...

yep I'm open to requests, if I have them.most likely I'll post on the early rare clowns stuff
ciao bob

Anonymous said...

Any of these albums from around 2000 would be hugely appreciated:
*A King In The Kindness Room
*The Blue House

Thanks Bob.

bob nebe said...

I think I could do any of them, but that live album is unreal, I might do that next.
ciao bob

Anonymous said...

gorgeous, thank you!!

bob nebe said...

No problem. its a great piece of music ciao bob

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the great Kuepper material! Being from the states (Birmingham,Al) it's impossible to find any material, with the exception of the internet. I've managed to collect most of Kuepper's output and your posted material makes it complete!!
Thanks from a Kuepper fan in the USofA!!

bob nebe said...

ed fans are everywhere!
glad to here from you and spread the ed.
ciao bob from eds home town

Psyclist said...

I agree... great this is made available... unfortunately through Zshare which is a serious pain in the ass... not able to get the download started... anyone has a rapidshare or megaupload?


PS for those of you who do not have these...

bob nebe said...

Ill put it on the reup list peter
ciao bob

Sam Adams said...

Just discovering your fantastic blog. Any chance you could repost this? Would so love to hear it, as a big Kuepper and Len Lye fan.